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6. Mai 2013 1 06 /05 /Mai /2013 07:35



Sonic Youth came to China in '07. I was lucky enough to hang out with them for a week and make this video for my good mate Archie from Split Works.

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6. Mai 2013 1 06 /05 /Mai /2013 07:09
Die Bandbreite: Die Mafia



Veröffentlicht am 01.05.2013

Dieses Lied ist den Opfern der Nato-Geheimarmee „Gladio" gewidmet.
Unter falscher Flagge ermordete „Gladio" als die "3. Generation der RAF" renitente Politiker, Industrielle und Staatsdiener in den 1980er Jahren.

"Die Mafia" verschafft dem Hörer einen hervorragenden Einblick in das Wirken transatlantischer Netzwerke in Deutschland. Hier hält ein Zirkel aus prominenten Politikern, einflussreichen Industriellen, Medienmachern und Militärs die wahre politische Macht in den Händen. Der Volkswille wird von diesen Seilschaften mit Füßen getreten, die Verwirklichung US-amerikanischer Interessen in Deutschland steht hingegen ganz oben auf der Agenda.

Dieser Song fußt inhaltlich auf dem Buch "Das Guttenberg-Dossier" von Friederike Beck, sowie dem Klassiker "Das RAF-Phantom" von Gerhard Wisnewski.
Als weitere Literatur sei das Buch "Nato-Geheimarmeen in Europa" von Daniele Ganser empfohlen.

"Die Mafia" ist die erste Single-Auskopplung aus dem neuen Album "art aber fair" von "Die Bandbreite".

Die Mafia - Single Download:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.de/Die-Mafia/dp/B00...
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/die...

Musik: Nos9000 - http://www.nos9000.de
Die Bandbreite - http://www.diebandbreite.de
Text: Wojna
Cuts: DJ Torben
Gitarre: Uwe Schulz
Illustrationen: Tommy James Peters - https://www.facebook.com/tommyjamespe...

Weitere Links:

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1. Mai 2013 3 01 /05 /Mai /2013 08:29
Tom Waits - Hell Broke Luce



Hochgeladen am 23.10.2011

Tom Waits - Hell Broke Luce - Bad As Me (2011)
Video: Full Metal Jacket by Stanley Kubrick





I had a good home but I left
I had a good home but I left, right, left
That big fucking bomb made me deaf, deaf
A Humvee mechanic put his Kevlar on wrong
I guarantee you'll meet up with a suicide bomb
Hell broke luce
Hell broke luce

Big fucking ditches in the middle of the road
You pay a hundred dollars just for fillin' in the hole
Listen to the general every goddamn word
How many ways can you polish up a turd

And left, right
Left, left, right
Left, right
Hell broke luce
Hell broke luce
Hell broke luce

How is it that the only ones responsible for making this mess
Got their sorry asses stapled to a goddamn desk
And Hell broke luce
Hell broke luce
Left, right, left

What did you do before the war?
I was a chef, I was a chef
What was your name?
It was Geoff, Geoff
I lost my buddy and I wept, wept
I come down from the meth
So I slept, slept
I had a good home but I left, left

Pantsed at the wind for a joke
I pranced right in with the dope
Glanced at her shin she said, ["Nope."]
Left, right, left

Nimrod Bodfish have you any wool
Get me another body bag the body bag's full
My face was scorched, scorched
I miss my home I miss my porch, porch
Left, right, left

Can I go home in March? March
My stance was a chin full of soap
That rancid dinner with the Pope
And left, right, left

Kelly Presutto got his thumbs blown off
Sergio's developing a real bad cough
Sergio's developing a real bad cough
And Hell broke luce
Hell broke luce
Hell broke luce

Boom went his head away
And boom went Valerie
What the hell was it that the President said?
Give him a beautiful parade instead
And left, right, left

When I was over here I never got to vote
I left my arm in my coat
My mom she died and never wrote
We sat by the fire and ate a goat
Just before he died he had a toke
Now I'm home and I'm blind
And I'm broke
What is next?

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30. April 2013 2 30 /04 /April /2013 20:11
Ceramic Dog - Lies My Body Told Me (Official Music Video)



Veröffentlicht am 28.04.2013

From the new album "Your Turn" out April 30th! Pre-orders and bundles avail at


Ceramic Dog is Marc Ribot, Shahzad Ismaily, Ches Smith.
Album out on Northern Spy (US), Yellowbird (Europe), P-Vine (Japan)

Directed by B.A Miale.

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30. April 2013 2 30 /04 /April /2013 19:28
People Who Do Noise (2008) Full Concert Movie Documentary



Veröffentlicht am 26.02.2013

Noise: a genre that is difficult for the average person to appreciate. However, when one sees its creation firsthand or creates it oneself, noise becomes a type of musical art that takes on its own appeal and meaning. In People Who Do Noise, noise becomes associated with faces, through interviews with dozens of Portland noise musicians. The documentary gives viewers who might be unfamiliar with the controversial genre a deeper look. At its basest, noise is a genre that comes about through the manipulation of various instruments often homemade with sounds that range from dirty squeals and ambient drones to robotic pulses, and everything in-between. It can be carefully controlled, or it can be a form that takes on its own life, with very little human input, through the use of electronics. When discussed, noise can be hard to quantify with words. But listening to noise musicians discuss the creation of their art actually yields surprisingly deep discussions. Some compare the act of creating noise like working within an electronic circuit or closed environment. Others create noise because it is a reminder of an impending apocalypse to come. Still others enjoy it because it s a type of music that s easily accessible to all who are curious. The reasons and inspirations for creating noise are vast, but always interesting; for while some pop musicians might say, I really like to write fun songs that make people dance, noise musicians talk about noise music in a way that s similar to physicists talking about physics. All of the Portland noise musicians in People Who Do Noise from Smegma to Yellow Swans to god to Argumentix approach their craft with a seriousness and earnestness that one can t help but appreciate, even if one doesn t necessarily appreciate the music itself. Nonetheless, noise musicians can also see the ridiculousness in their craft, when viewed from the outside. Musician Sisprum Vish gave an anecdote about his childhood which serves as a pretty solid example as to why people become interested in noise. He recalled being a young child who would record cartoons and slow them down because the resulting sound was appealing, and it is this kind of curiosity that is necessary for creating noise. It s a genre for those who like to tinker endlessly for who like to build and invent and experiment. I think my work is fueled almost completely by what happens when you do something wrong, reveals musician Redglaer. Feedback is the wrong thing, but that s almost at the heart of my work and of a lot of people s work. Utilizing amazing sound mixing and a strong balance of interviews and performances, People Who Do Noise is a good introduction for those who know nothing about noise, as well as an appropriate portrait of noise musicians for those who are already interested. Like any other self-respecting genre, noise isn t for everyone. However, it is created by people who find amusement in their craft. And although the amusement to be found in creating noise might come from engineering strange instruments or going against the musical grain as opposed to gaining fans and touring extensively, it doesn t make the genre any less important. Redefine Magazine

Don't forget to subscribe and check out my other channels on youtube "brainphreak", "brainphreaky", "brainphreaked", "digitalscrying".

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30. April 2013 2 30 /04 /April /2013 18:30
Nosliw - "Nazis Raus!" - Offizielles Webcam Video



Hochgeladen am 23.04.2010

http://www.lautgegennazis.de/nosliw/ "Lade Dein Statement" ab 20.08.10 "Nazis Raus!" als Digital-Singel bei allen gängigen Plattformen erhältlich. Die Erlöse gehen als Spende an den "Laut gegen Nazis e.V." in Hamburg!


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28. April 2013 7 28 /04 /April /2013 15:18




Funny Fellows Festival by Sonia Roelcke
Weltbühne 2006

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28. April 2013 7 28 /04 /April /2013 14:44
Holger Burner - Generation Krise [Bundeswehr raus aus den Schulen Sampler].mpg



Veröffentlicht am 09.04.2012

links.solid Hamburg präsentiert den Rap-Sampler „Bundeswehr raus aus den Schulen"; den es unter http://www.linksjugend-solid-hamburg.de/ zum freien Download gibt! Wenn Ihr auch richtige CDs haben wollt, schreibt uns einfach an.

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28. April 2013 7 28 /04 /April /2013 10:42
Kommerzbow live at U3 Rathaus, Hamburg 22.06.2012


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28. April 2013 7 28 /04 /April /2013 10:39





live performance of NYX:

sascha demand - guitar.
john eckhardt - bass.
katrin bethge - analog overhead projections.

hamburger botschaft / hamburg, germany, may 11th 2010.

NYX is an audiovisual trio, consisting of Katrin Bethge - overhead projections, Sascha Demand – el. guitar and John Eckhardt - el. bass & live-electr.
NYX combine psychedelic ambient punk spectral jazz and analog visual material processes into a joint cosmic action in space.

myspace.com/eckhardtjohn & myspace.com/funksteppa

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  • : WideBlick
  • : WideBlick - Potential-Entwicklungs-Magazin für junges Denken: Themen, die diskussionswürdig sind. Musik, die hörenswert ist. Filme, die sehenswert sind. Fakten, die wissenswert sind. (Musik, Aphorismen, Politik, Umwelt, Filme, Kunst, Pädagogik, Termine). Thematisch gibt es fast keine Begrenzungen. (Kein Mainstream!)
  • Kontakt



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